
You are exactly where you need to be The practice popularly referred to as Yoga, is actually an anglicised version of the Sanskrit word “Yogh” which means union. In its essence the practice of Yoga means attempting to unite the mind, body and Prana or life force. The practice is complete when one achieves a…

China Part 2

Every time I travel I’m always excited to try out the local food, and China was no exception. I may not be too experimental ( no crocodile tears or chicken spit for me please, I’ll stick to the usual) but neither am I too fussy. It’s easy for me to adjust to food in Southeast…

Travelling and Unravelling China

China is a country that brings out a lot of conflicting emotions. On the one hand I’m constantly inundated with fervent praises from people, which go on the lines of “China is on a completely different league” “what a spectacular country” “what pace of development” etc etc. On the other hand many outlets in the…

South African Adventure

South Africa is one of the most beautiful countries that I’ve ever seen. The landscape is absolutely breathtaking, the food is great and will suit most palates, the climate is a dream, there are singing groups which pop up everywhere- it’s incredible ! But the best part yet – the people. They display an incredible…

David Scott’s Trail, Meghalaya.

The David Scott’s Trail in Cherrapunjee is an easy, beautiful trek that anyone can try. The scenery is beautiful, with streams, tiny waterfalls and hills all around. It takes about 5-6 hours to finish the trail if one walks leisurely- making it a good Sunday activity. Legend goes that the long ago a British officer…

Gift Yourself A Bou(cake) This Christmas !

What better way to start the festive season than to gift to your family and friends a bouquet oh sorry I meant boucake. Want to know what that is ? Scroll down 🙂 In this case I topped off a vanilla sponge cake with buttercream icing. I used Russian tulip nozzles to make the flowers….

B(re)aking Bread. 

There are very few things in life that can compare to the aroma of freshly baked bread. This was my first attempt at baking bread and I will probably invest more time in it so I find a perfect balance of flavours and texture. Once I find the recipe for the perfect loaf of bread…

Dinner Done Right 

Spaghetti Oglio Aglio is by far my favourite dish to make. There are so many ways one can tweak it to ones needs ! It’s just amazing. The second dish was a sausage bake and it was scrumptious. For the spaghetti- Heat olive oil put crushed garlic, chilli flakes and oregano (any other seasoning of…

Enchanting Sikkim

One of the perks of living in the north-east is to be constantly surrounded by nature. The awe inspiring beauty of Mother Nature never fails to overwhelm me. No matter how many places I visit or how many wonders of human creation I see, they can never compare to the feel of soft warm earth…

Clubs and Gardens 

There was a time when working in the gardens was one of the most sought after professions. The comfort and prestige it provided was second to none. It also nurtured the culture of tea gardens ‘clubs’- a place to play sports, meet people, share a drink and celebrate occasions. Having grown up in a tea…

La bohemienne et les Amis 

This beautiful little pop up restaurant has an exotic name which translates to ‘the bohemian and her friends’ and it opened up in Shillong two weeks ago. The eclectic decor lends a beautiful Elizabethan charm to the place. That combined with the slightly dark grey weather of Shillong and you might as well be transported…


I work in the field of social research, and one of the perks of my job is that it allows me to go to remote places where most people wouldn’t think of going. It also gives me the chance to meet people from remote, rural areas and my time spent in these places has given…

Beautiful Meghalaya

  The first in a series of images that I will be posting. These are beautiful villages in Meghalaya which I visited recently. I was very touched by the kindness and hospitality that was extended to us. I was also stunned by how beautiful and unique each village was. I don’t think putting them all…