Clubs and Gardens 


There was a time when working in the gardens was one of the most sought after professions. The comfort and prestige it provided was second to none. It also nurtured the culture of tea gardens ‘clubs’- a place to play sports, meet people, share a drink and celebrate occasions.

Having grown up in a tea estate, I have very fond memories of walking around the old colonial clubs. There is a charm to old buildings. They have memories, character and the laughter of people behind their walls. I love anything old. Be it small knick-knacks or buildings. Antiques remind me of bygone eras, anything old has a quality which we can’t expect anymore. Buildings have finesse, a strong foundations and a sense of durability- traits we don’t value anymore. We should preserve these remnants of bygone eras. Its a way to connect to our forefathers, a way to look at life and how people before us lived it, a beautiful way to time travel.


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