
You are exactly where you need to be

The practice popularly referred to as Yoga, is actually an anglicised version of the Sanskrit word “Yogh” which means union. In its essence the practice of Yoga means attempting to unite the mind, body and Prana or life force. The practice is complete when one achieves a union with the cosmic consciousness (Brahman) leaving behind ones own consciousness (Atman).

I’ve been doing yoga since I was in school. Since I was an introvert it was the most natural choice- it was the only physical activity which was not competitive, which allowed an individual to explore themselves. Ever since then, it has been an integral part of my life. After a lot of thought, I finally decided to get my 200 hour YTT from Darjeeling, over looking at the mighty Himalayas every morning.

There are so many things I learnt in this month which were not limited to yogic practice. I met a host of people with the most beautiful souls, I laughed till tears rolled down my eyes only to find myself almost in tears of sadness the next moment, when I heard someone talking fondly of their grandmother. My emotions were heightened but also in tune with myself. I felt at peace and content. I spent my days understanding the practice of Yoga and Hindu philosophy. I spent my evening critiquing both. I spent my days searching for books by J. Krishnamurthy and Wendy Doniger, knowing that we must dissect and critique what we love or else we will never gain a complete understanding of it.

So now do I have a comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga ? No. But I do have a path beset before me, to spend my time in exploring all aspects of it, to gain an understanding of it, to spend my time in pursuing what I love.

In the upcoming posts I will discuss various aspects of yogic philosophy which will be interesting for some interested in it but will be helpful even for others to come in terms with aspects of their life.

My next post will be on Vedic chanting and meditation- it’s effect on our consciousness. I will end with one of my favourite mantras.

Asato ma Sadgamaya

Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya

Mrityor ma amritamgamaya


Lead me away from the unreality of this world into the reality of the cosmic consciousness.

Lead me from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.

Free me from the cycle of life and death by taking out the fear of death from my heart.

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