The Curious Case of the Novelty Shop:-

     In a world of crystals and glass we constantly underestimate the potential of clay and pottery.This little curiosity shop located in the middle of nowhere in Phuket, was stuffed to the brim with the most adorable trinkets made of clay. At some point I stared at the strange assortment of knick knacks and…

Snippets of Phuket- Salads and Curries

  Although considered too ‘touristy’- Phuket still manages to be a pretty charming town, mostly because the people are very friendly and polite. It also has a decent beach to boot. The food is as expected absolutely scrumptious. Next post on Krabi !! Lilyk

Kitties From Thailand

We as humans love kitties, something cardinal and intrinsic in our nature adores the attitude which these little packs of fur exude. The minute a kitten furball lands on our lap, curling up and making itself comfortable, our hearts melt into a bazillion little pieces. While I have met some very affectionate and loving kittens…

Shillong- Scotland Of The East

  Shillong aka ‘Scotland of the east’ is one of the most charming little hill stations in the country. While Meghalaya consists of three hills, namely- the Khasi, Garo and Jaintia hills, with each of them offering a unique culture and topography. Shillong is located in the Khasi hills which is relatively closer and more…

Himachal Pradesh- The Perfect Weekend Getaway.

In a country as crowded as our own, it’s a task to find a place where one can sit and stare into nothing for hours in pure, blissful silence. Himachal offers a lot to the wandering soul. Starting from the bustle of Manali to the peaceful quiet of the villages. A must visit for everyone….

Salads and Noodles in BKK

Never been much of a salad or seafood person but in my book they are a must try in Thailand. Featured in this post are: Sea food salad, Prawn salad and egg noodles. All of it was absolutely divine. LilyK

Scenes around Bangkok and Pattaya

   Featured in this post are: the little bars which are found everywhere on the streets of Bangkok. Not only are they really cute and sparkling with disco lights but they also serve a mean array of drinks: cocktails and anything else you’d like. From personal experience I’d suggest that you stay away from everything…